Thursday, October 14, 2010

Research on Obesity in the United States

How much does obesity cost the United States? See the following infographic for details.

It highlights work and health care costs by state, as well as comparing the states to one another.

Arizona, where it is hot, has the lowest percent of obese people in the country. Either the heat forces them to move away, or they sweat it off. The old grade school joke about the desert being so hot that only one S can grow there perhaps some foundation in reality. :D

Alaska is a leader in obesity – perhaps its to cold to go out and do anything, or people need the extra layers for warmth. ;) What other area is right up there with Alaska on the leader board? Washington D. C. … no doubt some politicians and greasy lobbyists are living high on the hog.

Click on the mini-snapshot image below to open up the full extended infographic in your web browser.

Obesity Research.

View the original article here

Review of CherryPharm Cherry Juice

CherryPharm is a delicious nutritious, antioxidant-loaded Cherry Juice. It is NOT made from concentrate. It is a unique tasting tart cherry juice. Only cherries grown in the United States are used in this product.

CherryPharm was founded by John Davey. He had been a professional tennis player and became a New York business man. He had chronic back pain for over 20 years and relied on over-the-counter pain relievers to achieve some relief. While visiting his home state of Michigan, he began eating tart cherries of the trees. He realized after a few days, the pain in his back was decreasing.

Mr Davey decided it would be worth having someone do a scientific study on tart cherries natural health benefits. Cornell Univeristy conducted the study. The study verified that the exclusive CherryPharm Nutrient Retention Process appeared capable of retaining the fruit’s antioxidant and phytonutrient properties.

There are presently three types of CherryPharm cherry juice. The Natural Health CherryPharm juice which contains 50 tart cherries. It also has water and apple juice added giving it a great flavor. The down side on this drink is although there is no fat, there are 180 calories in an 8 oz bottle. The total carbs are 30 and there are 27 grams of sugar. For anyone trying to lose weight, this drink would not be one to consider.

The Second type of drink is Natural Recovery CherryPharm juice. It contains 50 tart cherries and is also fortified with whey protein. This juice also has 180 calories in an 8 oz bottle. The total carbs in this drink are 30 grams. The sugar content is also 27 grams. Although this drink has tastes awesome, it is not one I would consider on a weight loss plan.

The third drink is the Natural Light CherryPharm juice. This drink has 40 tart cherries in an 8 oz bottle. There are 90 calories in an 8 oz bottle. The carbs are still high at 23 grams. The sugar content is 17 grams.

I just finished drinking a bottle of the Natural Light CherryPharm juice. It has a wonderful refreshing natural taste. It actually has the flavor cherries freshly picked off the tree.

This product can be purchased online at CherryPharm site. It is also available at Wegmans,The Fresh Market, Whole Foods Market, and at the CherryPharm website.

There are health benefits in this drink. Studies have shown that a diet rich in antioxidants foods may help to simulate a person’s immune system. When they are consumed as close to their natural state as possible, the benefits are significantly greater. CherryPharm cherry juice is as close as you are going to get to eating a cherry off a tree.

View the original article here

Tips for Weightloss

Losing weight needs to be something that is permanent. Yo-yo dieting can lead to health problems and poor self image. As difficult as it can be, no one wants to go through all the work to take off pounds and then have them come right back on again in three months. Finding sensible and proven changes to implement into your lifestyle is the best way to take off pound and keep them off.
You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight quickly. Quick weight loss should be taken in stride and needs to be a part of your daily routine. Quick weight loss tips should be incorporated into your lifestyle in a way that will stay with you the rest of your life. Jumping around from diet to diet and weight loss program to weight loss program can be detrimental to your health.
One of the easiest quick weight loss tips to include in your daily routine is water. Drinking more water is not only healthy it will help stimulate your body to lose more weight. Drinking more water is not a difficult thing to incorporate. Many women carry a large bag and are able to carry a water bottle around with them during the day, making this one of the quick weight loss tips a daily habit.
A quick weight loss tip if you have a hard time drinking water is to carry single drink mix packets to add to your water. There are many sugar free calorie free varieties that are available and they can easily replace a soda or a cup of coffee in your daily routine. Quick weight loss tips like this need to become habit.
These water quick weight loss tips are also helpful in the weight loss process because they can help you stay full and not eat so much. Drinking water can also help your body to burn off stored fat, and the kidneys are able to flush out excess fat with the added water in your diet. You can burn an additional 62 calories a day just by drinking icy cold water.
Another quick weight loss tip that can be implemented into your daily routine and become a part of your lifestyle is a constant eating habit. This sounds counterproductive, but it's not it's a great way to quick weight loss. If you eat five small healthy meals a day you will stay full longer and avoid caving into cravings and overeating due to hunger